kopi pagi di teras rumah

Cara Tuhan menunjukkan jalan pada kita dalam hidup

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Jika kita berdoa kpd Tuhan utk diberikan petunjuk, kadang2 bahkan sering, kita menemukan jalan2 yg buntu.

Kenyataannya, tdk pernah benar2 ada jalan buntu jika kita mau sedikit berbelok atau memutar arah.

Jalan2 dibuat tampak buntu, mungkin utk menunjukkan jalan lain yg lebih bagus.

Eh… markingo, mari kita ngopi…

kopi pagi di teras rumah
kopi pagi di teras rumah

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I am Taufiqul Hasan, an author who writes about trending topics on my blog. I enjoy staying updated with global trends and sharing my insights with readers. Through my blog, I aim to offer thoughtful perspectives on the latest issues, events, and discussions happening worldwide. By exploring and discussing these trends, I hope to foster understanding and inspire conversations that resonate with a diverse audience.

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