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Networking itu apa?

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Asli nya gak terlalu suka kata networking. Kesannya kayak nyari untung, nyari channel, nyari insight, nyari ide, dan sejenisnya. haha..
Enakan sih pilihan katanya ngopi2 aja.
Kesan silaturahminya lbh terasa.
Tp ya repot jg, wong kata silaturahmi itu jg terdegradasi dg urusan nyari rizki doang.
Mau silaturahmi manjangkan umur, membuka pintu rejeki, itukan bonus nya.
Esensinya kan selalu sama dg ibadah lainnya, depe-depe, Nggolek pangestune Gusti, ridho Nya.
Sakdermo Netepi patraping menungso, bebrayan marang liyan.

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Photo by bang_aip

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I am Taufiqul Hasan, an author who writes about trending topics on my blog. I enjoy staying updated with global trends and sharing my insights with readers. Through my blog, I aim to offer thoughtful perspectives on the latest issues, events, and discussions happening worldwide. By exploring and discussing these trends, I hope to foster understanding and inspire conversations that resonate with a diverse audience.

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